国际部周报 | 2024年5月11日

By Saturday May 11th, 2024Uncategorized

国际部周报 | 2024年5月11日

THIS Weekly Snapshots  |  May 11, 2024

5月2-4日: 全员金牌凯旋而归——国际部师生在玄奘之路国际青少年戈壁挑战赛再创佳绩

May. 2-4: All Gold Medals –  THIS Warriors Team Excel Once Again in Xuanzang Road Ultra Gobi Youth Challenge 2


At Xuanzang Road Ultra Gobi Youth Challenge 2, 12 students from THIS excelled, covering a total of 72 kilometers over 3 days and achieving all gold medals. Among them, Ame Bai secured second place in the secondary school girls’ category. THIS also received five team awards: the EEC Xuanzang Road Cultural Heritage Award, the Shackleton Award, the Ultra Gobi Excellence Award, the Ultra Gobi Progress Award, and the Team Spirit Award.

5月6-10日: 一年级自制甜点&咖啡厅开业

May. 6-10: Anything Café of Grade 1

5月7日: 小学部集会暨交通安全讲座

May 7: Primary Traffic Safety Lesson

5月7日: 中学集会暨体育部、数学部活动表彰会

May 7: High School Assembly — Recognition Ceremony for Athletics and Mathematics Department Activities

5月8日: 一年级邮局校内投递活动正式开启

May 8: Grade 1 Post Office Officially Opens

5月10日: U11羽毛球交流赛——国际部对阵北京国际乐成学校

May 10: U11 Badminton Exchange THIS vs. BCIS

文字 Writing |  Fontaine Yang

排版 Editing | Fontaine Yang

图片 Pictures |  玄奘之路Young戈 Ultra Gobi组委会,

Fontaine Yang, Mercy Xu, 

Jay Roden, Toby Xiong

审核 Auditing | Jeanne Croker, Toni Dong, 

Wenting Bai, Renee Zhu

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部