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Virtual Open Day | 清华附中国际部线上开放日邀请函

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清华附中国际部线上开放日邀请函 THIS Virtual Open Day Invitation 清华附中国际部创立于2009年,坐落于清华附中校园内,毗邻圆明园与清华大学,招收外籍和港澳台地区1-12年级的学生。 Tsinghua International School is established in March 2009 and located in Tsinghua University High School Campus besides the Old Summer Palace and the…

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THIS Library|清华附中国际部图书馆,陪你一起阅读,伴你一路成长

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前阿根廷国家图书馆馆长、著名作家博尔赫斯一生酷爱读书,对于他来说,图书馆就是他的宇宙,也是他的天堂。在清华附中国际部,我们也为学生和老师们创造了一个阅读天堂。在这里,每个人都可以发挥想象力,通过探索和学习,收获成长。 Mr. Jorge Luis Borges, the former Director of the Argentine National Library and famous writer, had a lifelong love of reading. For Mr. Borges, the library was his universe…

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THIS High School cultivate future global leaders

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清华附中国际部(Tsinghua International School,简称THIS)位于清华附中校园内,招收外籍和港澳台学生,提供中西合璧的教育。国际部不仅重视学生学术能力的提高,更关注他们的全面发展。借鉴了百年清华附中基础教育的成功经验,国际部逐渐形成了鲜明的办学特色,即中国根基,国际品质,清华特色。 Tsinghua International School (THIS) is located inside Tsinghua High School. It recruits students residing in or intending to reside in Beijing from foreign nationalities, Hong Kong, Macao…

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THIS High School Graduation Ceremony

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清华附中国际部2020-2021高中毕业典礼 THIS High School Graduation Ceremony 2021年6月3日,清华附中国际部2020届高中毕业典礼在清华附中礼堂隆重举行。清华附中校长王殿军先生、国际部校长李文平女士、教学学校长Reid Prichett,以及中学部全体师生及毕业生家长出席典礼。崔安娜,黄皓言两位学生主持了典礼。 On June 3rd, the 2020 High School Graduation Ceremony of Tsinghua International School (THIS) took place at the Tsinghua University High School…

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THIS 2021 ART FESTIVAL 艺术激发无限可能 The THIS Art Festival is an exciting annual event where the community comes together to celebrate the arts. Students showcased their work through a school wide art exhibition, film festival,…

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Summer Camp is Coming!

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请您扫描下方二维码查看《暑期夏令营指南》,文件中详细描述了课程信息和开设时段等相关信息。请您务必在报名前仔细阅读。 Please scan the QR Code to access the Summer Camp Guide. It is important to read carefully about the course information,  schedule and other details before starting your application….

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Teacher Appreciation Day

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三层的教师活动室是谢师宴的主会场,家委会在此为老师们亲手准备了丰盛美味的谢师宴,有精美可口的纸杯蛋糕、有香气扑鼻的烤鸡翅、还有色味俱佳的意大利面,以及最受欢迎的巧克力喷泉,都是出自家长之手。除此之外,还有鲜花、蛋糕、面包、甜点、饮料、各式水果……精心布置的会场、亲手烘焙的食物、精挑细选的礼物,家长们用自己的方式表达了对于老师一年以来辛勤工作的感谢。 The Parent Council prepared and made a delicious banquet for teachers at the activity room on the third floor, including exquisite cupcakes, roast chicken wings, tasty pasta, and the most popular…

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