
By 2023年09月20日 星期三Events

  Secondary Assembly – Middle School 

新学年 · 中学部集会


The first Middle School assembly of the year started off with a bang as Mr. Arias welcomed the students and got them in the right frame of mind by doing a THIS SPARTANS chant with them! 

 MS Assembly 

随后,在充满热情的氛围中,Kapraun老师引领初中的学生们进行了元气满满的圆圈活动——Circles Energizer。在这项活动中,同学们不仅释放了积极的能量,也将同学们在开学两周以来练习的4个圆圈协议付诸实践:相互尊重、专心聆听、参与/放弃权利和赞赏/不诋毁,这四项协议也贯穿在国际部各年级的课程教学和各项活动之中。

With all that enthusiasm still flowing, the students followed Ms. Kapraun as she guided them through a Circles Energizer activity that’s use was two-fold. First to expel some energy and secondly to put into action the four Circles Agreements that the students follow: Mutual Respect, Attentive Listening, Right to Participate/Pass and Appreciations/No Put Downs. These four agreements are upheld and part of all levels of activities and classes conducted throughout the THIS Secondary School.

Secondary Assembly



The Circles Agreements go hand in hand with the Core Values that THIS holds and operates under through day-to-day activities and lessons. Those values being: Well-Being, Integrity, Respect, Collaboration, Innovation and Leadership. Through these connected sets of guidelines, students, teachers, staff and parents all feel part of the community at THIS. That was the focus of the first MS Assembly, Community-Team Building.

Secondary Assembly


在经历了为期两周的社区团队建设以及校外团队建设活动后,学生们在集会上进行了与他们所学内容相关的活动。六年级的学生们与他们的英语老师Moraga先生合作,学习了约翰·丹佛的歌曲《Take Me Home Country Roads》,他们也在集会上为整个初中部唱起了这支歌,而这项小活动也是教师们将国际部核心价值观融入到活动中的一个小缩影。

After having finished a two-week Community Team Building Unit as well as a day of team building off campus the students today did activities related to what they have been learning. The 6th Grade students sang the song of John Denver “Take Me Home Country Roads” with their ELA teacher Mr. Moraga for the whole middle school as a collaboration activity.

Secondary Assembly



To finish up the assembly we went back to the beginning of the school year, when Principal Li, Wenping gave the community a word for the year, which was CONNECTIONS. So as the final culminating activity for this round of community and team building each HR was given a sheet of butcher paper and some markers and asked to create a “graffiti” type poster that expressed the Connections that have been made within their HR during the activities and lessons they have participated in since the beginning of school. 


Secondary Assembly



The activity was very well received and the students created great posters showing the Connections they have made thus far in the year and reflecting on how those connections will help them in the upcoming weeks of study.


May the students connect with teachers, hold hands with knowledge, and embrace a self that is enriched in thoughts with broader horizons and a more positive mindset!

文字 Writing | Deborah Kapraun,Fontaine Yang

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

图片 Pictures | Fontaine Yang

审核 Auditing |  Scott Pare, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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