
By 2023年04月29日 星期六Events


Writing: Angella Zhao, Translation: Mr. Reagan

2023年3月底,清华附中国际部的两支学生队伍——THIS Spartans队和Breaded Bromchefs队——飞往海南,与来自全国120多所学校的优秀学子共同参与了美国学术十项全能(United States Academic Decathlon,简称USAD)中国站线下阶段的赛事。

经过激烈角逐,两支队伍获得了众多个人和团队奖项,充分体现了他们几个月来的努力成果。Breaded Bromchefs队获得全国第九名,THIS Spartans队获得全国第一名,成为清华附中国际部第一支晋级USAD全球站的学生队伍

This March, the THIS Spartans and Breaded Bromchefs teams representing Tsinghua International School (THIS) flew to Hainan to attend a summit with teams from 120+ schools in China, to complete and celebrate the conclusion of the national round of the United States Academic Decathlon (USAD) competition, which started for these two teams back in October.

Finally, months of dedication would show as the two teams received a number of individual and team awards. The Breaded Bromchefs placed 9th overall nationally in Division II, and THIS Spartans took first place, qualifying THIS for USAD Internationals for the first time.


United States Academic Decathlon

USAD是一项针对高中生的学术挑战,涵盖演讲、面试、论文、艺术、经济、文学、数学、音乐、科学和社会科学10个科目,对学生的团队协作能力、时间管理能力和毅力都是一场考验。今年USAD的主题是“破局之路”(The Age of Transformation),以美国革命为主线,串联起各个学科的知识。每支参赛队伍由6到9名成员组成,并分为荣誉组、学者组和队打组三个组别。

The United States Academic Decathlon is a scholastic competition for high school students that tests their knowledge in ten subjects: speech, interview, essay, art, economics, literature, math, music, science, and social science, making it a test of teamwork, perseverance, and courage. Decathletes this year studied the American Revolution during the “Age of Transformation.” Competing teams of six to nine members are divided into divisions: Honor, Scholastic, and Varsity.


For the first time since the pandemic, an in-person summit was held to commemorate this year’s decathlon. 11 THIS students traveled to Hainan, where they met teams from hundreds of schools and turned their knowledge of the American Revolution into a greater experience. With enjoying the sun shining and waves rolling in the daytime, they attended the opening ceremony on the first night. The next day included the Super Quiz and Academic Poster events, where teammates in the same divisions raced to answer questions together and teams came together to create a poster showcasing their insights and research on an aspect of the Age of Transformation.


After a day of fruitful collaboration, decathletes enjoyed a Gala Night full of cheer, with talented performances from the decathletes themselves, a fashion showcase, an array of games and small booths, a DJ performance, and a fireworks show.


Participating Students List


THIS Spartans

Andrew Li 李安哲

Michael Li 李牧耘

Allen Shan 单倚天

Daoming Wang 王道明

Wendy Xu 许文笛

Aldo Zhang 张宝澄

Andrew Zhang 张熙嘉

Angella Zhao 赵小丫

Ryan Zhao 赵培彰


Breaded Bromchefs

Owen Dai 戴廷亨

Nikole Cui Kamsaengsai 崔妮可

Fiona Pao 鲍佳音

Helen Wang 汪煦涵

Sydney Wang 王馨仪

Evan Wong 王逸凡

Raine Yang 杨睿恩

Brian Yue  岳一晗


Click to see this super long list of honors!


Words from Participating Students


Thoughts on USAD


Daoming Wang

USAD学习资料上的一些内容与我们今年在学校学习的内容相对应,所以通过备战 USAD,我们也在预习一些课堂上要学的内容。

Some of the things on the study guides correspond to the content we learn in school this year, so by studying for the USAD, we could preview what we were going to learn in some classes.


Evan Wong


It is an interesting event but very time-consuming. It provides a brief understanding of different subjects. The summit has an intense schedule, but it’s really worth going.


 Favorite thing about USAD this year


Sydney Wang


Probably either the social night activities or the academic poster. It was nice to see the team working together on the poster to produce something genuinely admirable; a true show of collaborative spirit and camaraderie.


Angella Zhao


Out of everything, I will definitely remember the in-person summit at Hainan the most clearly and favorably. I got to meet people from schools across the nation, bond and collaborate with teammates, enjoy a weekend’s vacation, and see my readings from USAD turned into a greater, more memorable experience.


Biggest Learning from USAD


Brian Yue

今年我从 USAD 学到的最重要的东西是团队合作成就梦想。在线下峰会上,我们的任务是在40分钟内制作一张学术海报,这是一项非常艰巨的任务。但是,在我们团队8个人的共同努力下,我们按时完成了一张高质量的海报,并最终获得了全国第一!

The most important thing I learned from USAD this year was that teamwork makes the dream work (quoting Mr. Vernon here). In the academic summit, we were tasked with creating an academic poster in 40 minutes, which was a very difficult task. However, with all eight of us working together, we were able to complete a high-quality poster on time and eventually received national 1st place for it!


Andrew Li


I learned the ability to cope with massive amounts of work in a short period of time and also to stay calm during the entire process.


Words for next year’s potential teams


Brian Yue

  1.  不要试图成为一个神。7门客观测试包含的信息量很大,书也很厚,所以选几个你擅长的科目开始学吧!

  2. 尽早准备!学习指南中有很多内容,所以要准备好记住100~250页的内容。

  3. 与队友紧密合作。除了与团队有关的任务(学术海报、超级问答等)之外,与队友一起学习被证明是非常有效的,这也是更好地了解同伴的好机会。

  4.  如果你真的很忙,就不要参加USAD。正如之前所说,USAD非常花费时间,试图把它塞进已经排得很满的日程表中只会让你焦头烂额。

  1. Don’t try to be a know-it-all. The seven objective tests cover a lot of information, and the process books are very thick, so focus on a few subjects that you’re good at and start studying.

  2. Prepare early! The resource guides contain a lot of material, so be ready to memorize 100-250 pages, depending on the subject.

  3. Work closely with your teammates. Besides team-related tasks such as the academic poster and super quiz, studying together with teammates can be very effective and a great way to get to know your peers better.

  4. Don’t participate in this competition if you’re already swamped with other commitments. USAD is a very time-consuming competition, and trying to cram it into an already packed schedule will only leave you burnt out.


Let’s congratulate all of this year’s competitors on their outstanding performance. They successfully demonstrated their international vision, innovation, and team spirit across multiple disciplines and fields. THIS will continue to support students’ independent development and encourage them to pursue academic exploration.

让我们为开始备战5月和6月USAD全球站的THIS Spartans队加油吧,期待他们再接再厉,从全球赛凯旋而归!

We wish the THIS Spartans team the best as they prepare for the International round of USAD this May and June. We look forward to seeing them continue their efforts and return with triumph again!

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | USAD China Official

审核 Auditing | Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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