
By 2023年03月30日 星期四Events


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第八届VIS(vision of International Study)国际教育发展大会于2023年3月17日至19日于上海召开。本次大会的主题为“新理念,新生态,新实践”,聚焦国际教育领域,汇集业内专家学者,深度研讨国际教育话题和前沿热点。清华附中国际部执行校长李文平女士出席大会并发表题为“外籍人员子女学校的特色建构”的主题演讲。

VIS Conference






最后,李文平校长提出,外籍人员子女学校的特色建构也需要促进学校品牌内涵发展,其中主要包括深化创新精神和独立思考能力的培养、为学生创建自主发展的场域、家校共育,提升特色管理品质三类举措。 李校长提到,“当学生把自己的才能、自己的热爱或者特长,用于服务他人、改变社区、贡献社会的时候,就会产生一种成就感,而这种成就感就会化为“内驱力”,促进学生的自主发展。”卓越人才应该是德才兼备的人才,其中包含着积极的社会参与,充分的自主发展和扎实的文化基础。心里有梦,脚下有路,眼里有光,这才是我们对于新时代国际杰出人才的期待。

The 8th Vision of International Study Conference

Building the Characteristics of Schools for Foreign Children

The 8th Annual VIS (Vision of International Study) Conference was held in Shanghai this March 17-19, 2023. The conference’s theme was “New Concept, New Ecology, New Practice.”  Focused on international education, it brought together experts and scholars to discuss relevant topics and cutting-edge hot spots. Ms. Li Wenping, Executive Principal of Tsinghua International School, attended the conference and delivered the keynote speech titled “Building the Characteristics of Schools for Foreign Children”.

VIS Conference

Bringing a wonderful speech to the audience, Ms. Li Wenping discussed three aspects: top-level design of school characteristics, building distinctive school features, and the development of the school brand. She used the educational practices at THIS as a case study to elaborate on the topic introducing our school’s characteristics.

For top-level design of the school’s characteristics, Ms. Li Wenping suggested that the school’s characteristics should be built around the mission. The mission of THIS is “to foster creative critical thinkers who have roots in China and are prepared to lead in the global community.” The school’s teaching and learning are based on its mission having it serve as a guideline. Our students have deep Chinese roots, excellent bilingual abilities, critical thinking skills, and an innovative spirit.  They are able to think independently and are preparing to take on important roles in international organizations as well as to speak for China in the international arena. 

Also, looking at the future, the present and the past, Ms. Li shared the mission and vision at THIS describing our school features, its opportunities, and its adjustments in educational practice over the years.  She highlighted our Tsinghua spirit that continues to lead the school and our community forward.

In terms of building distinctive school features, THIS has rich experience of gradually developed its “international qualification, Chinese roots and Tsinghua characteristics” in the past 13 years. The school cannot successfully exist without the integration of East and West in its curriculum and management system.  Mutual respect and collaboration between Chinese and foreign teachers, international accreditation, and a strong Chinese language and cultural foundation are essential.

In 2016, THIS was initially granted WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accreditation and was renewed for another six years in February 2023.  

Our students have demonstrated their great love and care for the community through their various public welfare projects.  They have also won many awards and have earned high recognition in domestic and international competitions. Our graduates have consistently enrolled in top universities at home and abroad strengthening our reputation in international education.

Her final point, Principal Li Wenping recomen that attention needs to put on promoting the school brand. Three areas of importance for our foreign families in particular are the cultivation of innovative spirit and critical thinking, opportunity for individualized learning and development, and the quality of home-school partnership. Ms. Li mentioned that “when students use their talents, their passions or strengths to serve others, change their communities, and contribute to society, it creates a sense of accomplishment, and this sense of accomplishment becomes an “internal drive” that promotes students’ self-development. “ Equal emphasis is placed on integrity and ability, which includes active participation in society, personal growth, and development of a solid cultural foundation. To be a part of this new generation of outstanding international youth, students should have dreams in their hearts, paths under their feet, and light in their eyes.

文字 Writing,排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

图片 Pictures | VIS

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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