
By 2023年09月25日 星期一Events



A Dynamic Day of Conncetion – 

THIS Sports Day


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THIS Sports Day




THIS 2023运动日




Terry Fox Run


首先进行的是跑步挑战。国际部以Terry Fox Run为主题,激发同学们内在的勇气。他们穿着各年级不同颜色的运动服,在阳光下奋力前行,致敬这位加拿大的慈善跑者与运动员。孩子们的每一步都是对困难和挫折的坚强回应,每一滴汗水都象征着对运动精神的热爱和慈善事业的支持。他们以行动诠释了拼搏精神,展现了团结与爱心。无论跑得多远,他们都成为了真正的斯巴达小勇士英雄。














下午3点,运动日接近尾声。闭幕式暨颁奖典礼上,国际部学术校长Ms. Klimasara表示,运动日的成功举办离不开体育部老师们的辛勤策划和组织,他们为我们提供了一个施展才能的舞台;也离不开同学们的积极参与和支持,他们的热情与激情使整个运动日充满了生机与活力。更离不开家长和老师们的支持和鼓励,他们的陪伴让孩子们愈挫愈勇,超越自我。


Maxine Klimasara

体育部主任Gonçalo Porto和Steam老师Paul Moon为6到11年级的优胜班级颁发了斯巴达奖杯,作为对他们团队协作和拼搏精神的鼓励。值得一提的是,此次运动日共颁发出了6座奖杯,这6座奖杯均是由学生设计,并在Paul Moon老师的协助下打印制作而成。每个奖杯都分别象征国际部的6个核心价值之一,即身心健康、正直担当、尊重包容、团结合作、领袖气质、探索创新。



Photo of the PE Department









THIS Sports Day


THIS Sports Day

On September 23rd, the weather was clear and sunny! THIS’s annual sports day arrived as scheduled. At 6 o’clock in the morning, the teachers from the PE Department and the administration team gradually arrived on campus. They worked hard, shuttling between the gymnasium and the playground, moving equipment and setting up the venues. At 9:15, the sports day officially began. Students and hundreds of parents arrived at the playground as planned, eagerly anticipating the efforts and struggles of the young athletes. This is a day for us to release energy and connect our hearts. Let us review this unforgettable passionate feast together!


Speech of THIS Principal Li

THIS Sports Day

Principal Li of THIS

On the sports day, the entire campus was filled with laughter and joy. The morning sunlight streamed through the clouds, warm and bright, like a cheer for us. Principal Li Wenping of THIS delivered a speech to kick off the sports day. She emphasized the school’s tradition of sports spirit with the motto “No Sports, No Tsinghua”, and expressed her expectations for students to develop both a healthy physique and outstanding talents. The essence of sports lies not in winning or losing, but in the cooperation, inner strength, courage, respect, and challenging of limits. These values will help us become healthier, happier, and more limitless versions of ourselves. She also expressed gratitude to the parents who came to cheer for the students, their presence gave the students more confidence and courage to face challenges. She also hopes that all parents can strengthen their physical exercise and cultivate a strong physique, and contribute to the country’s health for fifty years.


Terry Fox Run

Before the official competition began, the primary and secondary school students, grouped by Spartan families and grades respectively, showcased their grade-level songs.

The first event was the running challenge. With the theme of the Terry Fox Run, THIS inspired students’ inner courage. Wearing sports uniforms of different colors according to their grade, they moved forward under the sunshine, paying tribute to this Canadian charitable runner and athlete. Every step the children took was a strong response to difficulties and setbacks, and every drop of sweat symbolized their love for sports and support for charitable causes. They embodied the spirit of perseverance with their actions and demonstrated unity and kindness. No matter how far they ran, they all became true young spartan heroes.


Fun Sport Activities 

for All Students

Next were the fun sports activities for the primary and secondary divisions. There were a total of nine different events, including hula hoop relay with soccer, crazy pipes, servers and catchers, target throwing, and fun soccer shooting etc. The students from Grade 12 acted as spartan leaders and helped organise the students from other homerooms to take part in different activities. Now, let’s follow the lens of the photographer to review the exciting moments of the students.

Highlights of  Secondary Division

Highlights of  Secondary Division


Secondary Division:

Lunch Time Togerther 

with Classmates

After a morning of working together, students gathered for lunch in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere, sharing their experiences and lessons from the morning, eager and prepared for the afternoon competitions.


Innovative Activities of 

Secondary Division  

In the afternoon, the secondary division featured innovative projects, such as tug-of-war, three-legged relay races, and water fights. The students faced hardships without fear, actively participating, and every moment of tug-of-war and water gun spraying was exhilarating.


Closing & Award Ceremony

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the sports day came to a close. During the closing ceremony and award presentation, Academic Principal Ms. Klimasara of the THIS expressed that the successful organization of the sports day relied on the diligent planning and organization of the PE Department teachers. They provided us with a stage to showcase our talents. It also relied on the active participation and support of the students, whose enthusiasm and passion filled the entire sports day with vitality. 

Academic Principal

   Maxine Klimasara

Furthermore, it couldn’t have been achieved without the support and encouragement of parents and teachers, whose companionship made the children more courageous and determined to surpass themselves. Head of PE Gonçalo Porto and teacher from Steam Team Paul Moon presented the Spartan trophies to the winning classes from grades 6 to 11 as an encouragement for their teamwork and spirit of striving. It is worth mentioning that a total of six trophies were awarded during the sports day, all designed by students and Mr. Paul helped them print it with 3D printing technology. Each trophy symbolized one of the six core values of the THIS, namely wellbeing, integrity, respect, collaboration, leadership, innovation.

THIS Sports Day


Photo of the PE Department

图|The Awarded Classes 

from Grade 6 to Grade 11

Swipe to left for 

more photos

In this enthusiastic and energetic sports day, we participated in various sports and cultural activities, experiencing the importance of teamwork and mutual assistance. We always stay closely connected and create beautiful memories together. This sports day is not just a sports banquet, but also a bond that connects us to cherish the team and friendship.

Finally, let’s applaud ourselves and appreciate the effort and dedication we put into creating wonderful memories on this unforgettable sports day. No matter what achievements you have made, you are the best! May this passion and enthusiasm accompany us, becoming the source of power on our life journey.

Let us look forward to future sports days, where excitement and memories blossom in the campus of THIS!



THIS Sports Day

文字 Writing | Fontaine Yang

排版 Editing | Fontaine Yang

图片 Pictures | Fontaine Yang, Mercy Xu

Jay Roden, Studio 35, Leslie Li

审核 Auditing |  Scott Pare, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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