院士开讲 | 戴琼海院士带我们揭秘人工智能!

By 2023年03月15日 星期三Events


Lecture from Prof. Qionghai Dai


Last week, THIS celebrated the annual Tech Week. Under the planning of the Technology Department, our students participated in science workshops, conducted technology experiments and presented science projects. 

During Tech Week last week, we were honored to have once again invited Professor Dai Qionghai, the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology of Tsinghua University, and his team to bring a series of lectures and workshops related to artificial intelligence (AI) to the students and teachers at THIS. From highly regarded experts, our students gained a deeper understanding of the innovative development of AI through these various activities.


戴琼海院士   Prof. Qionghai Dai

清华大学信息学院院长、中国工程院院士、中国人工智能学会理事长。从人工智能立体视觉、计算成像到脑与认知开展了基础理论与关键技术系列研究,戴琼海教授承担了国家973、重大仪器和基础科学中心等项目。在Nature, Cell, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods, Nature Photonics等发表论文百余篇,培养研究生百余名。获国家技术发明一等奖、国家科技进步奖二等奖、全国高校黄大年式教师团队。

Prof. Qionghai Dai is the Dean of the School of Information Science and Technology of Tsinghua University, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chairman of the Chinese Society for Artificial Intelligence. He has conducted a series of research on the fundamental theories and key technologies for artificial intelligence stereo vision and computational imaging of brain and cognition. Prof. Dai has undertaken national projects such as 973 and overseeing major instruments and basic science centres. He has published more than 100 papers in Nature, Cell, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Methods, Nature Photonics, and has trained more than 100 postgraduate students. He was awarded the First Prize of National Technology Invention, the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, and the National University Huang Danian Type Teacher Team.

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Secondary AI Lecture


Executive Principal Ms. Wenping Li introduced Prof. Qionghai Dai


In her introduction to the secondary students and parents, Executive Principal Ms. Wenping Li recognized Prof. Dai as a national leader in the AI industry sharing her admiration for by Prof. Dai’s selfless dedication to the next generation of AI education and his sense of responsibility and commitment as a Tsinghua-er. We are very grateful to Prof. Dai for coming to THIS again and giving the THIS community the opportunity to listen and learn on-site.


Prof. Dai, first, gave a detailed introduction of the profound impact of AI at different times in history. As the talk progressed, the focus shifted to the development of AI software technology. The continuous development of AI algorithms has made AI applications more intelligent. Today, AI is widely being used in mathematical research and biomedicine and energy bringing more possibilities for the development of these industries.


When it comes to a hot global topic right now the AI application is ChatGPT. Because of this, Prof. Dai took some time to explain. ChatGPT is an AI-based chatbot that can interact with humans in terms of semantic understanding and natural language generation. In the future, ChatGPT can be more widely used in healthcare, education, finance, and other fields.



Prof. Dai made special mention of the prospects for AI development in China, gave comprehensive advice, as well as outlined sincere expectations. He stressed that the students should pay attention to the basic subjects and build firmly their foundation. At the same time, they should improve their hands-on skills and not to be overly ambitious. At the end, he borrowed a quote from President Xi to inspire everyone:

“Heroes always grow up from the youth, and in the prime of time, you should strive to reach the top and strive to produce first-class results. I look forward to your achievements!”


Students raised questions


During the Q&A session, many students raised their hands to ask questions, all wanting to seize the opportunity to learn from the leading experts in person. For example, there were several questions about the ethical issues of AI applications and interdisciplinary learning of AI. With his responses, Prof.Dai hoped to deepen the students’ thinking about AI.


Primary AI Lecture


On the same day, Dr. Lu Fang, a member of Prof. Dai’s research team and Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University, also gave an engaging lecture on AI to the primary students. Through activities such as demonstrating how AI can write and draw poems, video showing, and having the children interact with ChatGPT, Dr. Fang led the children into the colorful world of brain science and AI. During the lecture, she also asked team members to show the digital technology of portrait motion capture, AI robot dogs and AI rubbish sorting, so that everyone could experience the power of the technology up close and personal on the spot. The children’s interest in learning about AI was greatly heightened.


During the Q&A session, the children also eagerly raised their hands to ask questions. And with them, they whimsically showed their rich imagination and unlimited creativity.


Middle School AI Workshop


Teachers from Prof. Dai’s team facilitated an AI workshop for our middle school students. The two teachers highlighted the process of researching AI technology from brain science and the application of AI digital technology in various fields. The interesting digital technology experience of portrait motion capture, the AI robot dog, and the AI rubbish sorting demonstration completely stimulated the students’ interest and opened the door to their knowledge of exploring AI technology.


Group photo of school leaders and teachers with teachers from Prof. Dai’s team

Tech Week


With the strong support of Prof. Dai Qionghai and his team for the school’s activities, student interest was not only ignited but also, students’ horizon for scientific exploration was broadened with this insight to the most cutting-edge knowledge of AI.


THIS will maintain our education mission to empower students by providing opportunities and platforms to interact and learn from industry leaders. Our aim is to inspire authentic passion for learning and research illuminating students’ dreams.

文字 Writing|Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | THIS teachers

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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