
By 2023年09月12日 星期二Events

InitialView & THIS





THIS executive principal Ms. Wenping Li welcomed admission officers

On September 8th, the Tsinghua International School College Counselling team hosted the college fair on campus. This fair was the first trip for college admissions officers to come to China after a few years of absence, and the first and only stop in Beijing. More than 30 admissions officers from prestigious colleges and universities came to THIS. Not only did the student and parents came to the event, but also students and parents from Remin University of China Affiliated High School, Peking University High School, 101 Middle School and others.


When the admission officers arrived, THIS student volunteers not only assist in welcoming admission officers to campus, but they also had the opportunity to network with the representatives one-on-one before the start of the fair.   


Thank You THIS Volunteers!

展会开始后,国际部的学生们都与招生官进行了细致的交流,更好地了解了不同大学的情况。家长们也被邀请参加了展会以及由 InitialView 和大学代表主持的讲座。对于正在为大学申请做准备的各年级学生来说,此次大学展为他们提供了一个宝贵的机会,让他们探索不同的大学选择,提出对他们个人来说最重要的问题,并向他们心仪的学校展示自己。

As the fair kicked-off, all of our THIS students were able to connect with the admission officers and learn more about their schools. Parents and families were also invited to join the fair and attend special sessions hosted by InitialView and college representatives. As students across grade levels prepare for the college admission process, this college fair was a crucial opportunity for them to explore the different options available, ask the questions most important to them, and represent themselves to their dream schools.

参展大学 College List

Babson College  巴布森学院

Bates College  贝茨学院

Boston University  波士顿大学

Bowdoin College  鲍登学院

Carleton College 卡尔顿学院

Carnegie Mellon University 


Claremont McKenna College

克莱蒙特 • 麦肯纳学院

Colgate University  科尔盖特大学

Colorado College  科罗拉多学院

Davidson College  戴维森学院

Denison University  丹尼森大学

George Washington University

乔治 • 华盛顿大学

Georgia Instititue of Technology


Haverford College  哈弗福德学院

Macalester College 玛卡莱斯特学院

Middlebury College  明德大学

Mount Holyoke College  曼荷莲学院

Northeastern University  东北大学

Oberlin College 欧柏林学院

Occidental College 西方学院

Ohio Wesleyan University


Skidmore College  斯基德莫尔学院

Smith College  史密斯学院

Swarthmore College  斯沃斯莫尔学院

Tufts University  塔夫茨大学

Tulane University  杜兰大学

Union College  联合学院

University of Richmond   里士满大学

University of Rochester  罗切斯特大学

Vanderbilt University  范德堡大学

Wesleyan University  卫斯理安大学

Whitman College  惠特曼学院

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


活动精彩回顾 College Fair Review Video

文字 Writing | Emily-Davis, Reagan

排版 Editing,图片 Pictures | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Scott Pare, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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