2022-2023 Orientation Week(下)|“教师天团”新成员集结完毕,新学年,我们出发!

By 2022年08月26日 星期五Events


 Group photo for 

THIS New Staff  


This week, THIS orientation continues with enriching and diversified training activities. Everyone has fully experienced the profound school culture, improved their professional teaching skills, gathering new strength to welcome the brand new school year.


Primary(left), middle school (middle) and 

high school (right) student representatives sharing


As part of the school’s commitment to students, THIS invited student representatives from the primary, middle, and high school levels to meet with new teachers to talk about the campus, share their feelings about the teachers, and the learning atmosphere at THIS. All three students expressed their appreciation for the caring teachers. Here at THIS, every student receives respect and attention from their teachers always listening patiently to their ideas, offering choices, and helping them learn and grow.


Students interviewed their new teachers

Pratrick Smith校长早餐会发言

Mr. Partick Smith thanked parents 

during the welcome breakfast


Parent representatives shared their feeling of THIS


Authentic home-school relationships have always been one of the strengths of THIS. As such, the Parent Council prepared a welcome breakfast for the new staff members. Parent representatives came early to school to set up the sumptuous meal – a of combination of Chinese and Western breakfast items that reflected their warm appreciation. As members of THIS family, the parent representatives shared their most sincere feelings for the school. They said that THIS is the best international school where students and teachers all have the deep love for it. The teachers give attention and support to every student, and always hold students to high standards of learning. The international education here truly develops the qualities and capabilities of students to become lifelong learners. Here, teachers and students grow together and are together all the way. The parent representatives also expressed how the THIS family considers it a blessing to have such professional and excellent new teachers join the school. THIS parents look forward to continuing the home-school co-education and witnessing the growth of their children together with the teachers. The school also thanked the parents once again for their full trust and support they have given to the school.


During this week of orientation, the foreign staff members were given a better understanding of Chinese laws, social culture, and all aspects of working in China. This crucial training for teachers provides them greater convenience and assistance in carrying out their work here.


Ms. Ma Ying shared her teaching experience

Jeanne Croker老师分享教学经历

Ms. Jeanne Croker shared her teaching experience

东方艺术老师马瑛和新中国籍教师分享了学校温馨的工作氛围,以及她的教学实践和个人成长。她说到,国际部让每位老师有更多的机会走向前沿,鼓励大家探索创新,实现教育梦想。数学组组长Jeanne Croker老师,作为多年在国际部执教的外籍资深教师,也与新外籍教师们分享了她的教学感受。小学部新教师们则进一步探讨了“响应式课堂”,以及阅读和写作坊的教学方案。大家不断迸发并交流创新想法,对即将开始的教学工作和活动充满期待。中学部新教师在Deborah Kapraun老师的带领下了解并体验了“Circles教学法”。大家以小组为单位,探索如何在教学中引导学生积极合作,激发学习动机,提升课堂教学质量。

Ms. Ma Ying, the eastern art teacher  shared with all the new Chinese teachers about the warm working atmosphere, as well as her teaching experience and personal growth. She talked about how THIS gives each teacher more opportunities to be at the forefront, encouraging everyone to explore and innovate to achieve their educational dreams. Ms. Jeanne Croker, Head of the Math department and a veteran teacher at THIS, also shared her experiences with foreign teachers. New primary teachers further explored Responsive Classroom as well as the Reading and Writing Workshop model. New teachers brainstormed creative ideas to better prepare for the upcoming teaching activities. Ms. Deborah Kapraun facilitated CIRCLES training for the new secondary teachers. Working in small groups, the team explored how to guide students to cooperate actively in teaching, motivate learning, and improve the quality of classroom teaching.


Ms. Tynaiza of the Primary School led 

the training on “Responsive Classroom”


Discussion on the “Circles” among new secondary teachers


Words from 

New Staff


The week-long orientation activities have been very rewarding for the new teachers, let’s see what they feel!

Mr. Patrick Smith, 

Academic Principal

I learned we have amazing administrators, support staff, leaders and teachers.  New and returning, Chinese and foreign.  Most importantly, I learned that the THIS community of parents, students, teachers and staff care. They care about each other, care about learning, and care about being the best they can be.  I learned that I am honored, and very fortunate, to be part of Tsinghua International School.

Patrick Smith 校长,学术校长


Mr. Djordje Joksic, PE Teacher

Coming to THIS I did know a little bit of how things are and what to expect as I was well informed previously. However, the professionalism and dedication that I have witnessed in everyone around is just exceeding my expectations. The entire community is welcoming and warm-hearted with beautiful fresh ideas and approaches and perspectives that I can’t wait to put into practice. It is going to be a great year.

Djordje Joksic老师—体育


Mr. Long Yuqing, Math Teacher

The most important lessons I learned from the orientation are:

1. We are a family. We can trust our team and rely on each other’s professionalism.

2. Our school is student-centered. Everything is by design to benefit the students as top priority.

3. We set high standards. We believe in ourselves to deliver the best education, and we believe our students will exemplify our top standards.

It was an informative, rigorous, enlightening, yet humourous, warm orientation. Many thanks to everyone who prepared this orientation.



1. 我们是一个大家庭,我们可以彼此信任,并且依靠彼此的专业精神。

2. 学校以学生为中心,一切都把学生放在了首位。

3. 我们设定高标准。我们相信自己能提供最好的教育,我们也相信我们的学生会成为我们最高标准的典范。


Mr. Gonçalo Porto, PE Teacher

When I had the opportunity to join THIS i’ve started looking for some information about the school, staff, facilities. I was told THIS was a small community that behaves as a big family. After my fist week here i can confirm it and i’m looking forward to meet our students and be part of the “family”. All the information, training and team building activities that we’ve done were really important to help me understand how this school works and how should i adapt myself to this new environment. I was looking for a different challenge and THIS is corresponding to my expectations. I hope that we can all have a great school year together and enjoy every second, as a big family.

Gonçalo Porto老师—体育


Mr. Reagan, 

Assistant College Counselor

Everyone at THIS is so welcoming, caring, and patient! It is indeed one big family. I can’t wait for the semester to start and to grow together with my colleagues and the students. 



Mr. David Fleming, 

Secondary Social Studies

After only being a teacher at THIS for about a week now, I can already understand why all of the teachers, staff, parents, and students I have met this past week refer to THIS as a “family.” Everyone I have come across is very warm and welcoming making the transition to THIS much easier than I originally thought possible. I feel that having this kind of close-knit community can make a big impact by bringing out the best in everyone as we grow and learn together. 

David Fleming老师—中学社会科学

在一周培训后,我想我真正明白了为什么我在过去的一周里遇到的所有老师、工作人员、家长和学生都把这里称为 “家庭”。我遇到的每一个人都非常热情,让我很轻松地就能够融入其中。我觉得这样一个紧密相连的大家庭一定能够产生很大的影响力,因为在我们共同成长和学习的过程中,每个人都会发挥出最好的一面。

Mr. Toby Xiong, PE Teacher

Orientation at THIS has been very open and welcoming. “Family” was a major theme and main focus they wanted to make sure we new staff understood. Getting to meet the admin team and being able to have a human to human chat is really reassuring that our voices will be heard. Overall great reception and making sure that we’re all in this together.

Toby Xiong老师—体育



After a comprehensive, professional and warm orientation week, the new staff are quickly settling into the THIS family. Each teacher is full of enthusiasm and is looking forward to welcoming the students back to school. With clear goals and aspirations, they will fully practice their professional abilities to start the journey of empowering student growth. In the following week, all staff will return to campus to get ready for the school year. Here we go, let’s kick off the new school year together!

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mia Gu, Mercy Xu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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