25期家长学校回顾 | 走近脑科学,学会科学养育,做智慧父母

By 2022年11月24日 星期四Events

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朱世晋 先生













家长学校 //


THIS 25th Parent School

The THIS 25th Parent School lecture was successfully held on October 19th, and once again highly welcomed by many parents. We gathered online to learn and understand brain development and effective “family education strategy” from Mr. Shijin Zhu, a brain science application consultant at Qianri Education Technology.

Opening Remarks

The lecture began with opening remarks from THIS Executive Principal Ms. Wenping Li. She extended a warm winter greeting to everyone and shared her appreciation for the high praises she receives from our parents about our school’s teaching and learning. As part of our continual improvement efforts, we want to hear the various ways of being better parents. Because by meeting the needs of our parents, the THIS community becomes stronger. THIS attaches great importance to every Parent School activity as they designed to empower parents through practice, pattern, and knowledge. The growth of parents drive and support the growth of our children. In addition to love and patience, family education should also include scientific parenting strategies.As an expert in brain science research, Mr. Shijin Zhu will surely bring more scientific parenting wisdom to everyone.


Mr. Shijin Zhu

Mr. Zhu Shijin is the brain science application consultant for Thousand Day Education Technology, the developer of professional behavior shaping management promotion method based on brain science, and the consultant of science and technology innovation industry in Wuzhen Street of CEC. Mr. Zhu is the co-author of the first best-selling book on cloud computing concept and technology introduction in China, Cloud Computing – China’s Future IT Strategy.

Lecture Review

Brain Science

In his in-depth lecture, Mr. Zhu first introduced parents to the formation of the human brain. He gave an inside look to the workings of the brain and deconstructed, in detail, the division of labor among different brain regions. In the brain, the reptilian brain (thalamus) is responsible for human primitive impulses which is a low-level operating system. The mammalian brain is in charge of community relations from which human emotions and troublesome feelings come. What distinguishes humans from other mammals is the full development of our prefrontal lobe, which helps humans actively explore and create new worlds and even directly affects physical health and longevity. Mr. Zhu focused on the prefrontal brain region, which is responsible for human association, controlling muscles and expressions as well as for learning, selection and expression. It helps us deal with various external pressures with composure and opens up new opportunities independently and autonomously. The prefrontal lobe carries the base of human creative and innovative behavior. At the same time, human achievement and happiness are derived from this brain area.

When a person is faced with challenges and stress, the brain region with the stronger signal is preferentially chosen for dominant feedback. Whether one chooses the frontal brain for creative thinking, the lactating brain for feedback with submissiveness, or the reptilian brain for fear and violence determines completely different personality traits. If we keep stimulating associative and creative thinking, the more developed the frontal brain will be, thus suppressing the activity signals from the other two brain regions, and vice versa.

The family’s upbringing and parenting level directly affect the children’s brain development resulting in different trends and dominant personalities. To help children develop a healthy brain, Mr. Zhu explained three major factors that limit frontal lobe brain development. First is the natural factors — natural evolution leaves limited time for children’s brain development and requires constant trial and error and selection. Second is the nutritional conditions and space in the family environment of modern society.  Nutritional support is crucial to brain development. The third is the brain of the nurturer (i.e. parents, teachers, caregivers) and the corresponding parenting behavior, together, have a profound impact.

According to the different parenting behaviors, the children will have corresponding developmental outcomes. In children’s learning, violent parental behavior can directly stimulate the children’s crawling brain and the child produces a stress response that is counterproductive. Verbal abuse will stimulate the children’s nursing brain and will not have a long-lasting and sustained effect. Therefore, parents need to act as behavioral role models, provide a good learning environment and resources for their children. They need to give unconditional attention to encouraging children so that the frontal brain can develop.

For the growth of the adolescent, Mr. Zhu especially emphasized the need for parents to pay attention to the shift from a nursing-brain family relationship to a prefrontal family relationship. In the latter pattern, parents usually discuss family goals with their children and actively interact with them, so that they can reap the benefits of positive growth. Mr. Zhu also gave practical advice on how to have a good prefrontal family meeting.

Above pictures are from Mr. Zhu’s lecture, Copyright belongs to Qianri Education Technology, unauthorized use is not permitted

Closing Remarks

After the lecture, Mr. Zhu also answered questions from parents with Ms. Huachun Dong, the chair of the THIS Parent Council, giving a short summary. She said that the number of parents who participated and those who asked questions shows the enthusiasm of our parents. 

We are very grateful for Mr. Zhu for leading the parents to a deeper understanding of brain development which, in turn, will give them more confidence to do what parents should do to better target the growth characteristics of their children. We expect that in the future, our parents will continue to explore brain science, improve communication, empower one another, and support their children’s growth methodically.

Parent School //

Another successful Parent School lecture! We believe that all parents have advanced again in family education and have become much wiser. In the future, the school will continue to focus on empowering parents and collaborating with the Parent Council to create more home-school interactions and achieve better home-school education!

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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