
By 2022年12月20日 星期二Events

● 26th THIS Parent School ●



How a loving family origin helps children throughout their lives


Lecture Reivew


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On December 17th, the 26th edition of THIS Parent School was successfully held and was well received by many parents.  They gathered online to learn and understand from Dr. Dong Huachun, Secretary General of the World Alliance for Innovative Education, how “building a loving family origin for your child can help children grow up with a healthy hearts and souls.”


Principal’s Opening


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Ms. Li Wenping, Executive Principal of THIS, gave an opening speech to start the seminar, thanking everyone for maintaining their enthusiasm for learning during the pandemic, working hard to become better parents, and setting a good example for their children. During this time, parents and children are spending more time together in a limited physical space.  As a result, the warmth of the parent-child relationship has more direct impact and immediate affect on children’s learning than ever before.  

主讲人 Lecturer

董华春 Maggie Dong


Secretary general, World Innovative Education Alliance.


Vice chair, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Entrepreneur Association


Founder of UM Metaverse Museum


Lecture Review


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Dr. Dong Huachun, with her many years of experience with psychological theory and innovative educational practice, shared unique insights and practical methods on how to build the most loving family origin relationship.  She started by defining that the family origin is the family where one was born and raised.  It is the family where and when the children are still living with their parents (before they are married). In our families of origin, we all experience the four most critical stages of growth in our lives.

Stage 1 (the 9 months from conception to birth) is the stage of our body’s construction where the combination and reorganization of genes are occuring.

Stage 2 (0-7 years) is the very beginning of each of us and our coming into contact with the material world for the first time. During this period, each person has his or her own way of knowing the world which is deeply connected to the family origin and the environment in which we were raised. These first seven years make up the cornerstone of “who I am,” the development of our spiritual quotient (SQ).


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The second seven years, ages 8-14 (stage 3), is when we enter adolescence and develop our primary emotional patterns. This is the stage where we begin to develop our emotional intelligence – EQ – in our relationships and boundaries with others.

At Stage 4, ages 15-21, the third seven years, we begin to enter young adulthood. These are the formative years in our thinking lives.  This is the time when we begin to develop perspectives on the outside world and  learn more about other people’s views of the world.  This stage of development is what we call [IQ-IQ].  It is when you train your brain to use the right and left sides in a balanced and coordinated way, as well as the ability to think flexibly and with foresight.


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人的一生成长阶段彼此之间是环环相扣的。在原生家庭中,我们的SQ 、EQ、IQ是否得到了健康科学高效发展,决定了我们在这个世界上的底层模式运作是否遵循着健康的轨迹。

The stages of human growth throughout life are intertwined with each other. Whether our SQ , EQ and IQ are developed in a healthy and scientifically efficient way in what our family origin helps us to determine.  Our family origins shape our underlying patterns of functioning in the world followed by giving us a healthy trajectory.


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弗里曼(David S.Freeman)在“家庭关系疗愈-原生家庭路径”“Family Therapy-The Family-of-origin Approach” 提出了的五项原生家庭的重要角色以及原生家庭对人生的六方面影响。

心理学家卡尔·荣格(Carl Jung)指出,原生家庭深刻影响着我们的内心世界的形成和发展,我们每个人的内心世界,影响我们所做的一切行为与决定,进而影响着我们成年之后的生活的方方面面。

卡尔·荣格(Carl Jung)在1940 年首次出版的《儿童原型心理学》一书中,指出所有成年人内心世界都有一个“内在小孩”(child within)。

David S. Freeman, in “Family Therapy-The Family-of-origin Approach,” identifies five important roles of the family origin and six ways in which the family origin affects life.

The psychologist Carl Jung, a proponent of the Family Origin Approach, has identified five important roles of the family origin and six areas of its influence on life. In his book “The Psychology of Child Archetypes”, first published in 1940, Carl Jung points out that all adults have an “inner child” (child within) in their inner world. 

According to Carl Jung, our family origin profoundly influences the formation and development of our inner world and all the actions and decisions we make, thus influencing all aspects of our adult lives.


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The psychologist Adler famously said, “Happy people spend their lives healing from childhood; unhappy people spend their lives healing from childhood.”

The childhood trauma one experiences in one’s family origin is likely to become a lifelong pain. Each person’s emotional expression as an adult is related to childhood experiences.  When each of us feels emotionally wounded, the mind first awakens certain memories associated with childhood, which leads us to certain subconscious behaviors brought on by emotions. These behaviors, all aimed at self-protection (not getting hurt), may be overly reactionary or depressed and repressed.


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For children, parents are an important part of their family origin. The influence of the family origin on the child is inscribed in the child’s personality and behavior pattern like a genetic code. Children who grow up in a loving and warm family tend to have a more robust personality. Children who grow up in families that lack love and affection are prone to challenges associated with personality traits. The atmosphere of the family origin, traditional habits, the role of the child in the family, and family interactions will influence how the child behaves in his or her own life and in his/her new family.


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As parents, adults must be fully aware of the influence of the family origin, face the problems of the family origin, reconcile with it to help soothe the inner-wounded children healing wounded hearts. To not bring some negative elements of our family origin to our new family, we need to get regain back what was lost to us in our parents’ family origin.


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On this basis, parents must be able to separate the influence of their own family origins, transcend the shackles of that origin by becoming more independent and loving selves.  This new motivation to love our parents again along with the new wisdom of loving our children,  we, as the adults, are able to give our children the most loving family origins, raise healthy and innovative children, and build a lifelong treasure trove of positive energy with our children.


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In this lecture, Dr. Dong explained the above contents systematically and clearly.  She used Ms. Satya’s, the famous psychologist, iceberg model diagram to help parents better understand what is behind or underneath our children’s behaviors – their coping styles, feelings, opinions, expectations, desires, and ego. She also shared the “ten magic words of love” with specific cases. These specific methods and detailed techniques were practical and of benefited to our parents.


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Dr. Dong encouraged us that parenting is the greatest business in the world.  We need to learn and practice doing it every day so that we can better help our children grow from “biological you” and “family you” to the “educational/social you” and “independent you” bringing out the value and meaning of life. 

In closing, Dr. Dong recited the poem “On Children” by Kahlil Gibran, wishing all parents to grow together with their children and bring out the infinite possibilities of life.  This will make the world a better and brighter place.


Parents’ Reflections


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After the lecture, Dr. Dong hosted a Q&A interactive session.  

The audience also shared their inspirations and gains from the lecture.

G11L Joanne’s Family


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Tonight’s lecture was super-charged and awesome, with good content and great delivery!

After listening to the President of Parent Council Hua Chun’s lecture “Giving Children the Most Loving Family of Origin”, our family had a lively discussion. Honestly, the family origin is not optional, rather it is the past and it is the history. But Dr. Hua Chun mentioned that the past cannot be traced, but the future can still be built. We think this makes the most sense. When we have scientific guidance, ideas for change, and pragmatic actions, we will definitely be able to move in the direction we all expect. Our (children’s parents’) family origins are the ones who are in charge of life and living, becoming dragons in the sky and snakes in the grass. We (the child’s family origin) in the past were more focused on the art of communication with children, nurturing skills, but this is really unscientific and incorrect. We will further use “understanding, maximum recognition and affirmation” to integrate our love for our children into our daily communication and exchanges to enhance mutual understanding and empathy.   Our children can then grow up to be what they want to be as we have raised a caring, responsible and interesting citizen for our country and society!

G6L家长 Juan


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With three boys with very different personalities, effective communication is always the biggest challenge for a mother. I benefited a lot from listening to Dr. Hua Chun’s lecture. Every one of the ten keys is very useful. The most touching is the third “stop judging and commenting” and the fifth “emphasize spiritual connection”. Having used predictive language in my communication with my children and having been challenged by them, it was an enlightening experience to learn the right way to communicate. How to keep the boys’ rooms tidy has always been a problem for me, and I have never tried to build the “spiritual connection” with the boys. I am grateful to the school for providing such a great learning platform for parents. Also, thanks to the lecturers for every great parent school lecture. I hope there will be more interactive sessions at the school in person after the epidemic and parents can share with each other and make progress together.

G1 Vincent,Jay&G5 William‘s Dad


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华春关于原生家庭的演讲很给人启发。我相信我们都知道原生家庭的重要性。但是, 1.原生家庭究竟是如何对一个人有底层的塑造作用? 2. 原生家庭对于一个人的塑造是否可以被有意识的改变迭代,从而达到对下一代更好的结果? 3. 我们是否有可能在自我主观意识下,观察和理解原生家庭的驱动力,和目前的另外一半共塑我们期待的原生家庭影响力? 这些华春都给出了一些很有启发的回答。

我和妻子最近关于原生家庭讨论很多。我们注意到一个现象,当我们在读自传的时候,一个人的自传绝大部分是在写他/她和其生命中遇到的人以及发生的故事。从这个角度讲,一个人的一生就是其和其他人所有关系的总和。这个视角让我们脱离个人看待他/她,从而获得更冷静的、脱离情绪的描述。比如,我和我的妻子讨论我的父母,不再像以前一样下结论性的定论,而是开始讨论我的父母、她的父母和他/她们那个时代的人发生的事情,以及产生的关系。这些关系越多、越密、越细节, 我们就发现,脱离了“好坏”的二元论看待我们父母带给我们的原生家庭,我们就能更平和的去看待他们的底色。在更细、更密、更细节的人与人的关系中理解父母的底色,理解自己的底色,理解爱人的底色, 是一个人的独钓寒江雪,也是和爱人的携手前行,都难,也都值得。感谢华春。

Dr. Hua Chun’s talk on the family origin was very inspiring. I believe we all know the importance of the family origin. However, 1. how does the family of origin actually have an underlying shaping effect on a person? 2. is it possible to consciously change and iterate the shaping of a person’s family of origin to achieve better results for the next generation? 3. Is it possible to observe and understand the driving force of the family of origin under our own subjective consciousness, and to co-create the desired influence of the family of origin with the current other half? These questions of mine are provided with some very enlightening answers from Dr. Hua Chun.

My wife and I have been having a lot of discussions about family origins lately. One phenomenon we’ve noticed is that when we read autobiographies.  The vast majority of a person’s autobiography is about him/her and the people he/she met in his/her life and the stories that happened. From this perspective, a person’s life is the sum of all his/her relationships with other people. This perspective allows us to look at him/her outside of the individual and thus get a more calm and detached account. For example, when my wife and I discuss my parents, instead of jumping into the same conclusive conclusions as before, we begin to discuss what happened to my parents, their parents, the people of his/her time, and the relationships that arose. The more detailed these relationships became, the more we found a way to look at the family origin that our parents brought to us without the binary of “good and bad” and to look at their undertones more peacefully. In the finer, denser, and more detailed relationships between people, we understand our parents’ color, our own color, and the color of our loved ones, which is difficult and worthwhile. Thanks to Dr. Hua Chun.

G11P Martina‘s Mom


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Thank you, Dr. Hua Chun, for the lecture.  The information was well digested and absorbed.  More importantly, the techniques will be practiced turning knowledge into action! As you had emphasized, our children are mirrors of our woes and hurts. Now, it’s our turn to see if we have the courage to face them and tear them open. I am so grateful for my children. Thank you for Dr. Hua Chun’s sharing.




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Maggie Dong, Secretary general of World Innovative Education Alliance,Secretary general of EU-China Commission, Secretary general of Finance and Investment Committee, Returned and Overseas Chinese Scholars Association of All-China Youth Federation (ROCSA),  Chair of China-Asia Economic Development Association Data & Information Security Committee, vice Secretary general of Chinese cultural heritage and development Fund, Chair of BJ One Academy, vice chair of Zhongguancun Science and Technology Entrepreneur Association, founder of UM Metaverse Museum. Lecturer and Project Tutor, Harvard University. EMBA Tutor, Secretary general of CCES (Center for Chinese Entrepreneur Studies), Director of Chinese Culture and Management Institute, Tsinghua University. Visiting Professor, Peking Open University. Post doctor, Tsinghua University, Ph. D, Peking University, Ph. D, University of Pennsylvania, Visiting Scholar, Hongkong University.





文字 Writing | heart lotus

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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