CSCxStuCo | 为土耳其-叙利亚地震慈善捐款与援助,我们在行动!

By 2023年03月14日 星期二Events



< 2023/03 >


For three weeks, the Community Service Club (CSC) and Student Council (StuCo) have been collaborating in raising funds to support the victims of the Turkey-Syria Earthquake. With the support of the THIS family, they were able to raise a total of 30,762 RMB.


On February 12th, StuCo posted a WeChat official account article informing the THIS community of the severity of the earthquake. And CSC began to collect donations through WeChat and sent 10,000 RMB (a portion of the money raised thus far) to the Turkish Red Crescent.

来自THIS StuCo公众号

Resource: THIS StuCo WeChat Platform


As an added fundraiser, StuCo hosted a musical livehouse on February 16th and live-streamed to THIS parents to raise more attention to the activity.

在接下来的一周中,同学们为叙利亚的受灾群众购买了价值20,162元人民币的物资,包括牙刷、手电筒、睡袋、帐篷和毯子等灾区人民最需要的物品。为了提高国际部学生们的参与度,继续提高大家对此次地震的认知与关注,Lawrence Li精心制作了关注地震形势、号召大家传递爱心的视频,CSC发动全体中学生对物资进行打包,并为叙利亚人民用心地写下鼓励的话语、画下最美的祝福,一句简单而有力的“我们与叙利亚在一起”最好地诠释了来自清华附中国际部学生的温暖。

The following week, CSC purchased 20,162 RMB worth of supplies for Syria that included toothbrushes, flashlights, sleeping bags, tents, and blankets. The secondary students also watched an informational video about the earthquake to call for charity made by our student Lawrence Li. CSC raised awareness by getting the entire secondary division involved. Homeroom classes helped pack and label these supplies as well as create drawings and letters for the people of Syria. A simple sentence of students words that “Help Syria From China” express THIS student’s warmth.


On the afternoon of March 1st, CSC shipped the supplies to a Syrian embassy’s storehouse in HeBei. The supplies are now on their way to Syria.

学生们的善举也感染到了周边的人,其它社团也纷纷加入贡献自己的力量,如香水制作社团,Patrick Lin, Jason Lin和Nancy Fan组织了慈善义卖,并将所有赚到的钱进行了捐赠,用自己的方式向土耳其和叙利亚人民献上爱心。

Other clubs and students have also joined the act. Thank you Perfumery Club, Patrick Lin, Jason Lin, and Nancy Fan for organizing charity sales on their own and donating their whole sale.


CSC and StuCo would like to express a huge thank you to the THIS family for supporting the cause. Together, we pass on our love and the spirit of charity, hoping to help more people in need.

文字 Writing | CSC & StuCo

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

图片 Pictures | THIS teachers

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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