First Day|Nice “兔” Meet You:“卯”足干劲,乘势起航,我们返校啦!

By 2023年02月09日 星期四Events



2023 New Semester








Spring is back and everything is new.

Lovely THIS students,

we meet on our campus again!

As the train of growth continues to move,

let’s pick up our school bags

and learn happily together!

Let’s run together toward our passions and ideals!



– Hello, New Semester –



一早,执行校长李文平和学术校长Patrick Smith就在校门口亲切地迎接各位同学返校。老师们也在操场上、教学楼里和孩子们打招呼,我们已经迫不及待想看到大家返回校园啦!学校里用心别致的布置让每个角落都洋溢着新年的气息。此刻,我们又看到了同学们雀跃挺拔的身姿和温暖快乐的笑靥,欢声笑语,国际部大家庭终于又是一番热闹景象!

Early in the morning, Executive Principal Ms. Wenping Li and Academic Principal Mr. Patrick Smith along with other THIS administrators were at the school gate welcoming students. Teachers and teaching assistants were on the playground and throughout the halls of the school building to greet the children. Decorated in celebration of the new year, every corner of the school was filled with cheer and hope. We can see again the students’ positivity, warmth, and happy smiles. THIS is a lively scene once again!


Additionally, the student Community Service Club prepared welcome back gifts for all of their primary and secondary classmates. The club also had two fellow members dress up as lucky rabbits to greet everyone happily and waving their good wishes. What a wonderful way to help our learning community reconnect after a long time away!

– Class Time –


In the new semester’s classes, every student enthusiastically got back into their learning habits and routines under the guidance and support of the teachers. They listened carefully, raised hands actively, and discussed meaningfully …… In between classes, the sounds of laughter and friendly chatter rang throughout corridors. Students could not wait to share their interesting and colorful vacation experiences with their peers.



– All Staff Meeting –

国际部全体教师会议在下午举行,由学术校长Patrick Smith主持,他向大家介绍了新学期教学工作计划和期待,并表示学校将全面推进各项教学活动的开展,希望大家做好充分准备,继续共同前行。最后,他鼓励大家“持续相互赋能,共同发现无限可能”。

The all-staff meeting was held in the afternoon and was hosted by Academic Principal Mr. Patrick Smith. Principal Smith highlighted upcoming school events and activities in the new semester. He emphasized how THIS would support all teaching and learning activities as it is time to get going. We hope that everyone is well prepared to move forward together. In summary, Principal Smith encouraged everyone to “empower others to discover possibilities.”


To close, Executive Principal Ms. Wenping Li also shared her joy at being able to gather with all the teachers once again. She looks forward to starting another new semester full of hope and happiness with all the staff.



– More Good News –


To add to an already productive college early admissions season for our Class of 2023, two THIS seniors received conditional offers from Cambridge University! Though historically, our students have always been successfully accepted to top universities and colleges in North America, this would be the first time to Cambridge University. We are proud of all of our students and look forward to more good news from the Class 2023. We hope that their efforts will turn into unlimited possibilities and opportunities for the future.



Spring breezes and blooming flowers have brought all the goodness our way! In the new semester, students will have the chance to experience another period of happiness, enjoying the youthful energy of THIS. We hope that our students will make great progress, continue to make breakthroughs, and achieve their goals in the new year.

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mia Gu, Mercy Xu

视频 Video | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing | Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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