THIS 2022-2023 School Year |我们开学啦:“新”之所向,赋能成长,扬帆起航!

By 2022年09月01日 星期四Events

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Welcome New Students






Opening Ceremony


9月1日,清华附中国际部开学典礼在清华附中礼堂正式举行,全校师生及部分家长,欢聚一堂,共同迎接希望满满的新学年。清华大学附属中学校长、清华附中国际部校长方妍,执行校长李文平,学术校长Patrick Smith,中方副校长白文婷,小学部主任Britni Padilla,中学部主任Dieu-Anh Nguyen,行政主任董文博和中学部副主任刘薇出席典礼。


Opening Remarks




Principal’s Speech








Student Speeches

高钰雯 五年级


在小学部主任Britni Padilla的介绍下,小学部学生代五年级学生高钰雯上台发言,面对满堂观众,她自信大方地表达着对新学年的期待。发言中,她还感谢了老师和父母在过去四年的学习中,对自己无限的支持。在新学年,她将和同学们一起,继续践行国际部的核心价值观:不断探索创新、继续团结合作、保持身心健康……最后她说到,“如大家所说的:不管是东方的还是西方的,国际部是最好的!”

钱弘毅 十二年级


中学部学生代表十二年级学生钱弘毅在中学部主任Dieu-Anh Nguyen介绍下,上台发言。他与大家分享了作为科学爱好者在实验台上不断探索,作为中文辩手一路披荆斩棘成为全国总冠军的经历。由此,他希望大家在新学年尽全力挑战自己的极限,也尽情地探索新的方向!他说到,“在国际部,你不用恐惧失败,因为总会有老师、同学,甚至校园中的陌生人为你鼓掌,为你呐喊。国际部就是这样一个团结有爱的大家庭!它会成为你彷徨失落之时的温暖港湾,会成为你攀高峰之路上的坚强后盾!”


Closing Remarks

开学典礼最后由学术校长Patrick Smith致辞。Smith校长拥有丰富的国际教育经验,虽然刚来学校不久,但他已经融入了国际部大家庭。在学校,总能看到他与学生和老师交谈,辛勤投入工作的身影。致辞中,他通过与大家分享他和学生们关于“未来”这一话题的交流,鼓励大家以希望构建未来。他表示,学校已准备好与学生和家长一起度过美好的一年。大家都期待着在方校长和李校长的带领下,一起努力蓄势绽放我们相信,在新学年学生们会收获更多的成长和进步。最后,他祝愿每一位学生、家长和教职员工拥有一个更加美好的新学年。
















The autumn breeze, the blue sky, and the dancing lotus leaves altogether seem to be waving and welcoming the arrival of another new school year. Today, THIS officially opens for the 2022-2023 school year! Students and teachers are beginning another school year full of laughter, hard work and growth.


Welcome New Students

Prior to the first day of school on August 31st, THIS invited new students to ensure that their first day will be a great one. They had a chance to learn more about THIS as well as meet their homeroom teachers. By attending the orientation, our new student was ready to start a new journey of growth.

The Primary Division welcomed the new students with their parents.  Principal Li Wenping also met and talked with parents. She shared how THIS always values a solid education to empower the growth of each child. We hope that parents will keep the open communication with teachers, maintain a cordial tradition of home-school relationship, and witness the remarkable development of the children together. The new secondary students were led by the Secondary Director and homeroom teachers to understand the school culture, to preview the student handbook, and to familiarize themselves with their classrooms. Everyone can’t wait to start the new school year!

New students and parents in class with homeroom teachers

Parent representative sharing


Opening Ceremony

On September 1st, the THIS 2022-2023 New School Year Opening Ceremony was held in the auditorium of Tsinghua University High School. Full of hopes and excitement, students, teachers and parents gathered to kick off the new school year. THUHS Principal and THIS Principal Dr. Fang Yan, Executive Principal Ms. Li Wenping, Academic Principal Mr. Patrick Smith, Chinese Vice Principal Ms. Bai Wenting, Primary Division Director Ms. Britni Padilla, Secondary Division Director Ms. Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Director of Administration Ms. Dong Wenbo and Associate Secondary Division Director Ms. Liu Wei attended the event.

Opening Remarks 


The ceremony began with opening remarks from Principal Ms. Li Wenping. Principal Li happily said, “It is so exciting to see THIS gather together again as we haven’t seen each other face-to-face for 4 months. For the new school year, not only our campus has new changes, but also in teaching, the school will create more opportunities for everyone to grow”. Principal Li emphasized that the focus word for this year at THIS is Empower

She encouraged students to accept opportunities for self-empowerment and find ways to empower classmates. Of course, the teachers will work to empower everyone, so we can continue to grow. We will also promote appreciation and encouragement so that everyone can become a better person in this positive environment.

Afterwards, Principal Li proudly introduced Principal Dr. Fang Yan to the stage. Principal Fang leads the administration team to direct the development of THUHS and THIS, and works diligently to make great contributions to the brilliant achievements of our schools. She has always given tremendous support to the development of THIS. With her global vision, passion for education and care for individual students, we are confident that under her leadership, THIS will have a bright future!

Principal’s Seepch


THIS Principal Ms. Fang Yan first extended a warm welcome to new teachers, students and parents to the Tsinghua family and sincerely congratulated everyone on becoming a member of Tsinghua International School (THIS)! Also, she welcomed back all the returning students and teachers, as they set sail on a new year of academic adventures rooted in the solid century-old foundations of Tsinghua.


Principal Fang also said that over the past thirteen years, she had witnessed the gradual development and growth of THIS and its proud achievements, which could not have been realized without the dedication and perseverance of all the teachers. In this regard, the school sincerely expresses its gratitude to everyone.


Looking forward to the new school year, Principal Fang Yan also put forward three expectations for every student. First is the worldwide integration of multicultural essence and cultivation of an inclusive spirit. Next is the historical integration of inheritance and innovation, and cultivation of the spirit of humanity and innovation. Thirdly, in terms of the genetic inheritance of Tsinghua, THIS integrates the characteristics of THUHS, spirit of Tsinghua University and qualities of an international pedagogy, and cultivates a unique spirit of leadership.

Finally, Principal Fang concluded that she will always be the strongest ally for THIS, and do the best to create more opportunities and lead the development of THIS. In this new school year, let’s look forward to a bright future together!


Student Speeches

Phoebe Gao, Grade 5


Introduced by Ms. Britni Padilla, Director of the Primary Division Director, Phoebe Gao, the Grade5 student representative, took the stage and spoke confidently and graciously in front of a full audience, expressing her expectations for the new school year. In her speech, she also thanked her teachers and parents for their endless support during the past four years of her primary studies. In the new school year, her classmates and she will continue to practice the great core values of THIS: innovation, collaboration, and wellbeing… As it is aptly said: East or west, THIS is the best!

Winstion Qian, Grade 12


The Secondary Division student representative, 12th grader Winston Qian, was introduced by the Secondary Division Director, Ms. Dieu-Anh Nguyen, and took the stage to speak. He shared his experiences as a science enthusiast who kept exploring in the lab and as a Chinese debater who with his team together made it all the way to the national championship. From there, he wished everyone the chance to push themselves to the limit and explore new goals and dreams. Winston told everyone that “You shouldn’t be afraid of failure here at THIS, because there will always be mentors, peers, and even strangers who will cheer you on. THIS is a family built on mutual support and care. We will be your lighthouse when you’re lost, and we will have your back as you reach and climb upwards”.

  Closing Remarks


The opening ceremony concluded with the speech by Academic Principal Mr. Patrick Smith. Principal Smith has the rich experience in international education. Although he has only been in the school for a short time, he has already settled into the THIS family. He can always be found talking to students and teachers and working hard on the campus. By sharing his conversation with the students on the topic of “Future”, Principal Smith encouraged the students to build their future with hope. He summarized that the school is ready to have a great year with students and parents. We all look forward to working with everyone to build up momentum and bloom under the leadership of Principal Fang and Principal Li. We believe that students will reap more growth and progress. Finally, he wished every student, parent, teacher and staff have a better new school year!

Principal Smith’s energetic speech added to everyone’s confidence for the future. We believe that with such a professional and responsible academic principal, and with the joint efforts and leadership of THIS leadership team, our education will reach a higher level.



New Students Orientation

THIS Leaders and teachers greeted students early in the morning on the first day.

Parent Information Session

Opening Ceremony







Dear THIS students, in the new school year, we hope you are able to set your goals for the broader world. We will work hard together to harvest your growth, help you become a better person of yourselves, and continue another brilliant chapter of THIS!

文字 Writing | Mia Gu

排版 Editing | Mia Gu

图片 Pictures | Mia Gu, Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, 

Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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