THIS Art Exhibition | 感受风景与静物之美

By 2022年09月30日 星期五Events


Every school year, the art teachers will support students to plan four art exhibitions with different themes, showing the rich achievements of art education by exhibiting students’ works in various art formats, and allowing the whole school to enjoy the beauty of art together. Now, let’s enjoy the wonderful moments of the first art exhibition of this school year – Landscape and Still Life Exhibition!


Still Life



On September 28, 2022, the art exhibition planned by THIS teachers and students! 






Exhibition Description

Landscape – the scenery that can be seen everywhere in our life, the scenery of the distant journey, the scenery of the past, the present, and the future. It is recorded with brushes or images to establish a connection and dialogue with the visitor, which may be familiar or unfamiliar. The artist captures air, sunlight, water mist, sky, land, river, trees, and buildings while trying to convey emotions through composition and color.

Still life – the commonly used objects in life are presented on the canvas, giving us the opportunity to have a quiet dialogue with the objects that may be overlooked because they are so familiar. We have the chance to watch carefully, to experience and appreciate, that the most ordinary objects can be so durable, strong, and eternal.






The artworks are still exhibiting, go check it out now!

the artworks are still exhibiting

策展人 | Curator:Ms. Gao

展览准备| Exhibition Preparation:Ms. Augustina, Ms. Jana, Ms. Gao, Ms. Grace

演出策划 | Performances Preparation:Ms. Ai, Ms. Lyttle, Ms. Rebecca, Ms. Maggie

参展学生 | Artists:Bryan Mo G10, Katherine Wu Graduated, Jill Liu Graduated, Valorie Guan Graduated, Tina Zhao G11, Cici Wang G10, Amanda Li, Catherine Zhu G10, Mia Han G11, Valorie Guan Graduated, Raine Yang G11, Anya Lu G12, Joice Chen Graduated, Zanko G2, Chloe G2, Sophia G2, all students in Grade 5W

排版 | Design:Chloe Gao

海报设计 | Poster Design:Mr Balboa, Ivy Zhang

图片 | Photos:Chloe Gao, Ms. Gao

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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