
By 2022年11月25日 星期五Events




Working with Emotions




We all experience emotions 

– a variety of them.

Though the word “emotions” is not new to us, 

do we really understand how they work?


Fact is there are no “good” or “bad” emotions. Rather, each emotion carries its own meaning and work as messengers to deliver important information to us. 


Therefore after delivering their message, emotions should leave our bodies and not stay too long. So why do we often feel that emotions are reluctant to leave (especially negative ones) and even feel trapped by them in many cases? To help us answer this question, we need to understand how emotions work.

  Working with Emotions


How Emotions Work


When an event triggers a particular emotion in us such as stress caused by a pending exam, we first feel it in our body.  Our muscles tense up, our breath quickens, our heart rate goes up, and/or we begin to sweat. Then our brain realizes or interprets what is happening, e.g.”I feel anxious.”  Listen to the message that is going through your body. Receive it like a text message to the soul – “I need help,” “I need to focus more in the face of challenges,” “I need…”) After listening, take action.  Seek help from teachers/classmates.  Review notes.  Take walk. After you start taking action, the emotion should pass. This is how emotions work. 


When the emotion working path is interrupted, the emotions will linger.  Many of us tend to avoid or suppress our emotions, especially negative ones, instead of feeling and accepting them. Without the “feel it” step, the emotion will be stuck in your mind causing you to feel trapped by your emotions.



Feel your emotions and accepting your emotions 

is the first step of the emotional working path.




With a better understanding of how emotions work, 

let’s talk about two common emotions 

– stress and anger.

压力 About Stress


When it comes to stress, many people think it makes them sick and want to run away from it at all costs. However, research (Keller, Litzelman, Wisk, et al. 2012) shows that for people who experience a lot of stress but do not view stress as harmful, stress was less likely to harm them and even can bring positive effects. Hence, the interpretation of stress matters.


Strategies to Manage Stress


Strategy #1 – Embrace stress


Instead of thinking that stress is harmful, think the opposite.  When you feel stress, the nervous system will make you more alert and focused.  It can help you gather energy from the whole body to prepare for action. In work and study, stress will improve your ability to quickly adapt to the changing environment and improve the efficiency of doing tasks. At the same time, the body will release hormones that can encourage you to connect with others.  These physical reactions show that stress can benefit you in many situations.


In fact, people’s physical reactions to stress are very much similar to when they get excited. So, the next time you are stressed, try telling yourself that “I’m excited!” Or, more specifically, tell yourself, “The stress I’m feeling right now is helping me to be more prepared to complete my tasks!” We can better cope with stress by changing our interpretation of it. Stress does not have to be your enemy.


Strategy # 2 Personification


Create a character to represent the stress in your mind.  You can either give it a name (e.g., Little Sam) or draw it out. Try to have a conversation with your stress character whenever the stress comes.  You can say to your character, “It seems that Little Sam is overreacting now” or “It seems that Little Sam is worrying too much about how this result will affect him.” You can even have a debate with your stress character and try to collect pieces of evidence to convince each other. What this strategy does is help us kickstart our logical brain by thinking accurately.


Strategy # 3 Have a plan


We often worry about things that have not happened yet. Instead of “What if,” take on challenges or situations thinking “If this happens, then…”. By doing this, we pay more attention to the following action instead of non-contributing worrying.  This strategy gives us a sense of control reducing the negative impact of stress.


To Be Continued


In our next article: Working with Emotions: Anger, we are going to talk about anger, introducing the five-step ABCDE method to help us deal with our anger. Let’s look forward to it!

文字 Writing | Jennifer Fu, Laura Zhang

排版 Editing | Mercy Xu

审核 Auditing |  Dieu-Anh Nguyen, Toni Dong, Wenping Li

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: 清华附中国际部

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